Committee Descriptions

Club Relations

The primary function of Club Relations is to send cards or floral arrangements to EGC members and their families in times of illness or a death.  At other times, a card or floral arrangement may be sent  to recognize the outstanding deed/deeds of a fellow member. This committee is also responsible for welcoming new EGC members to the club and for facilitating their assimilation into the club. A new member coffee/tea may be given at a member’s home in August or September, during which new members have an opportunity to meet Committee Chairs and learn  about EGC projects.

Conservation and Education

Conservation and Education promotes and reports on conservation and environmental issues and organizes activities such as field trips, book discussions, and nature walks. The committee facilitates participation in EGC, GCI, and NGC initiatives and can initiate a club project (such as recycling). The committee reports club efforts to support Monarch butterflies to the DuPage Monarch Project annually. The club and community benefit by learning about environmental, conservation, sustainability, and ecological issues. The committee meets as needed.

Designs and Exhibits

Designs & Exhibits is responsible for providing floral arrangements for garden club events.  Arrangements made for our Christmas luncheon are available for purchase by our members.  We continue the long standing tradition of putting up and taking down Christmas decorations at the Elmhurst Public Library.  Working with the chair, we coordinate the floral centerpieces for the annual April luncheon.  The committee may plan a design demonstration or workshop  for club members, or follow through on floral requests for special events such as the Kitchen Walk and The Christmas House Walk.

Garden Therapy

Garden Therapy members assist the clients at the Adult Christian Care Center at Epiphany Lutheran Church in making floral arrangements, which they take home.

Our volunteers prepare the materials for the arrangements on site and then visit with the clients while helping with the arrangements.  We provide the clients with additional recreation and socialization opportunities and also give staff and caregiver support.   The committee meets at Epiphany (Vallette and Spring Roads) on the second Wednesday of the month at 1:00pm, except for July and August, . 

Herb Garden

The Herb Garden Committee  is a cooperative effort between the Elmhurst Garden Club and Elmhurst Park District. It was established at Glos Memorial Park in 1980 and moved to the formal gardens in Wilder Park in 1998. The chair acts as liaison with the Elmhurst Park District.  The committee works with the park district to plant and maintain the herb garden. Committee members participate a number of times during the growing season.  These members plant in the spring, maintain the garden several times during the summer, and  prune for fall and winter.


The Historian is responsible for keeping and maintaining historical records and artifacts significant to the club.  The historian honors deceased members by preparing a eulogy, which is presented in the club newsletter or at a club meeting.

Elmhurst Garden Club honors active members, with 30 years of membership in the club with a brick installation in the Friendship Garden Walk at Wilder Park. The historian keeps a record of who qualifies for a brick and coordinates the purchase and installation of the brick with Elmhurst Park District.

The historian prepares and presents a tribute to a current member chosen by the Executive Committee to be honored at the annual meeting in April.


The Horticulture Committee  promotes and reports on current horticultural issues.  Information may be presented at club meetings or in the monthly newsletter.  The committee  provides horticulture events outside of the regular meetings.  These events may include field trips, a spring plant sale and an annual members only garden walk in June.  The committee may assist the first vice-president in formulating club programs.


The Hospitality Committee is responsible for coordinating the food and beverage services at our regular meetings. This includes recruiting monthly hostesses and advising them of their responsibilities, setting up the coffee/tea/water service, storing the clubs formal tablecloths, as well as monitoring and purchasing any of the supplies that EGC provides for the hostesses.  The committee monitors the RSVP’s, on Eventbrite, for the upcoming luncheon each month as well.


Lunch is provided at Wilder Mansion at our regular (monthly) meetings. The homemade lunches are planned, prepared, and served by our members. Each garden club member is encouraged to be a hostess for at least one month. Member contributions of food and supplies for one month’s lunch meeting allow our members to enjoy the remaining year’s lunches without cost or obligation. Each committee is made up of 10 to 12 members. One member serves as head hostess. The head hostess is responsible for contacting the members of her committee and organizing the luncheon. The committee is responsible for planning the menu, bringing the food, serving the lunch and cleaning up afterwards. December’s luncheon is traditionally a Christmas party and is usually catered. The December hostess committee is responsible for choosing a caterer, planning the menu with the caterer, and bringing desserts.The hospitality chair provides each head hostess with a copy  of Guidelines for Hostesses. For more details or questions, contact the hospitality chair.


House is responsible for setting up the rooms for our regular meetings at Wilder Mansion and is a liaison between EGC and the Elmhurst Park District (EPD), manager of Wilder Mansion. Setting up the rooms involves making a diagram showing the location and size of the tables, chairs and other equipment that will be needed. A list is created showing the items or equipment that are needed. Meeting set up is generally discussed at the Board meeting held on the Tuesday prior to the regular meeting; attendance at the Board meeting is beneficial. The meeting plan is submitted to the EPD employee who works at Wilder Mansion, on Thursday or Friday before Monday’s regular meeting.  If changes to the requested room set up are needed on the day of the meeting, the chair is there early and enlists other early arrival members to assist in modifying the room.


Membership chair and co-chair work together to greet members and guests, provide name tags and welcome new members at meetings. This committee is responsible for collecting dues and membership forms. Renewal forms are distributed at our regular meeting starting in spring; dues are collected each month until May when reminders are sent to delinquent members. In May, the membership roster is updated and filled out for GCI. Checks are sent to the treasurer of EGC. A record of active members is maintained by the chair. Contact information for new members is provided in the newsletter. 

Membership co-chair, maintains the data history (contact information, photo and an activity log) for each member. The co-chair is responsible for printing the Membership Directory (in August) and distributing the Membership Directory at the September meeting. 


Newsletter Chair collects, assembles and distribute the club newsletter to the membership every month except July and August. The chair distributes other club information to members by email as needed.


The First Vice President is responsible for formulating programs for the year.  She works with the chairs of conservation and education, horticulture and designs and exhibits for program suggestions. She coordinates program requirements with the chair of house and introduces the program speakers. She attends the annual District II Programs Meeting for program ideas. The programs chair organizes the Annual Spring Luncheon.  She also orders a President’s pin from National Garden Clubs for presentation to an out going president at the Annual Meeting or another event at the end of term of office.


Increase in membership is a direct benefit of good publicity.  The Publicity Committee is responsible for creating public awareness of club meetings, special events, outings and various club projects through the press and online media. Written (email) and photo submissions to media further community awareness of the club’s mission and benefits.  Publicity regarding the EGC Annual Garden Walk and Faire held in July is an essential responsibility of this committee.  Copy and event pictures directed to the publicity chairperson from other committees for release to media outlets are encouraged and appreciated.

Ways and Means

The Ways and Means Committee raises the funds for the internal affairs of the club. One example of a fundraising event would be the raffle baskets we assemble for the December and April luncheons. Members are asked to help donate items and gift cards for the baskets.  Committee members  prepare the baskets. Tickets are sold  and  basket winners are chosen at the luncheon. Periodic fund raisers occur throughout the year.

Special Committees


Social Media

This committee posts photos and videos of club activities and interesting horticulture information.  No last names or personal information is posted. Only administrators may post filtered information.  Inquiries are answered on Messenger. Scholarship Fund and Garden Walk information will be posted, along with the clubs web page for more information. Colorful art is used to call attention to the page. No political cartoons or articles are posted. This committee may work with the publicity chair.  


The Web Administrator is responsible for updating information on our annual Garden Walk and Faire and Scholarships, along with the club calendar, the Members Only section which includes member pictures, bylaws, standing rules, stationery templates and 501c information and forms. This person is also responsible for interfacing with the Website host to be sure software as well as internet certificates are updated as well as  troubleshooting internet issues.

The committee coordinates the updates with the Board and committee chairs. This benefits the Club and community by serving as a valuable resource. Visitors to the Facebook page as well as the Website learn that we are an active, committed and vibrant organization.



This committee is appointed by the President, meets in April, after the end of the fiscal year (March 31st). The Treasurer, part of the Finance Committee, and manager of the Club’s finances and checkbook, prepares a budget for the next fiscal year; she presents it to the Finance Committee. After the Finance Committee approves the budget, the Treasurer presents the budget to the Board for approval and then to membership; it is published in the newsletter.

Garden Walk and Faire

The Elmhurst Garden Walk and Faire is the club’s largest fundraiser. The walk features  private gardens, public gardens, and a boutique Faire in Wilder Park.  Proceeds go to York scholarships, college scholarships, and to various Elmhurst organizations. 

The walk is planned in cooperation with the Elmhurst Park District. The chair of this committee is chosen by the president, with board approval, and is responsible for choosing committee members to organize, prepare and present  the  Garden Walk and Faire the second Sunday in July. The chair acts as a liaison to the Elmhurst Park District. The committee determines, with board approval, the recipients  of funds from the Walk, and provides the Treasurer with records of all receipts and expenditures.


It is the responsibility of the Scholarship Committee to administer the two annual Elmhurst Garden Club Scholarship Programs, (1) the York High School Summer Exploratory/Experiential Scholarship(s) and, (2) the College/University Scholarship(s). This includes annual revisions and dissemination of the publicity flyer and applications for both scholarships, reception of student applications online and by mail, selection of student scholarship winners, communication with scholars throughout the year, but
especially immediately preceding and in preparation for the annual Meet the Scholars Lunch and Program at the March Garden Club member meeting. The Scholarship Committee consists of 6-8 garden club members. The committee Chair works with the club Treasurer in July to send the scholarship award checks to the school Financial Aid Offices of the award-
winning college students. Instituted in 1999, the scholarships are primarily funded by proceeds from the annual Elmhurst Garden Walk & Faire as well as individual donations from garden club members. Since 1999, a total of  127 high school and college scholarships have been awarded totaling more
than $255,000.

Nominating Committee

This committee is selected in September and is composed of three Board members and two members at large. The chair may be the immediate past president, appointed, or evolve within the committee. The committee meets either at Elmhurst Public Library or at a member’s home. They review the positions, consider candidates to fill those positions, and contact prospective nominees. The list of calls to be made is divided up and communication updates are done through emails/phone/personal contact.

The committee presents the slate of officers to the Board by the December meeting for Board approval. The slate is posted in the Newsletter and voted upon by membership at the regular January meeting. Individuals must consent to be on the ballot. Elections take place at the regular meeting in January with installation at our Annual Meeting in April. Officers and Chairs of Standing Committees, except Treasurer and Garden Walk Chair, serve through the conclusion of the Annual Meeting. The Club benefits by an easy transfer of leadership. This leadership transfer often brings fresh, new ideas and perspectives.

Garden Project of Ray Graham Community Learning Center

This committee began its work in 2014 to improve the back yard space for the clients who attend this learning center to enjoy and learn in a safe, peaceful and accessible environment.  The committee has developed community awareness of the center’s needs and over time have spearheaded fundraising efforts and donations of goods and services for this beautification project.  Four cedar picnic tables, 12 custom chairs, 4 raised planter beds,  weber grill, and a large patio and walkway now grace the back yard.  Many old trees were removed, new plantings and even water remediation projects have taken place as well as the installation of a lush butterfly garden.  The clients enjoy the space for horticultural activities as well as reading time, lunchtime and parties.  The committee has also brought new plantings to the front and side yards as well.  This wonderful partnership with Ray Graham continues to grow with each year in creative and helpful ways.

York Community High School Garden Club

Committee members serve as consultants and mentors to York Garden Club, a Junior Club of EGC. We support and partner with the YGC teacher advisors. We help set weekly meeting agendas that can include: teaching student members about annual, perennial and pollinator plant care; planting portage garden raised beds; planning, planting, growing, and harvesting vegetables; organic techniques; building better soil composition and composting; perennial design principles; seed saving; indoor bulb forcing; houseplant propagation and growing; floral design; and fundraising.

During the school year, YGC meets on Wednesdays from 3:20pm-4:20pm in the Senior (Interior) Courtyard or room A373.  Our weekly meetings in the summer are on Wednesday mornings. We use those meetings to mentor student members during the flower and vegetable growing season.