
Please join us again this year by becoming a sponsor and a promoter of this community event. Our Garden Guide is read cover to cover and for a reasonable cost, hundreds of local patrons will see your advertisement. Ad size and prices are listed below:
▪ Full page ad (4.5″ x 6 and 7/8″) for $300
▪ One-half page ad (4.5″ x 3 and 5/16″) for $175
▪ One-¬third page ad (4.5″ x 2 and 1/4 “) for $125
The deadline to submit your ad is June 01, 2024. Ad and art files should be sent to TBD. (Subject line: Garden Walk). Preferred formats are high-resolution grayscale PDF, TIF or EPS files. Color files will be converted to grayscale. Click here to see the brochure.

Click here to secure your ad in the 2024 Garden Guide


Thank you for supporting our scholarship program and please join us for “An Afternoon in the Garden.”